Sunday, August 29, 2010

A Fair Day

We went to one of our favorite events of the year this week...the state fair! Call us country if you want, we're proud of it! We love going to the fair, especially now that we have kiddos. It's really become a yearly tradition since I was pregant with Riley. I was three days overdue with Riley so we went to the fair and walked and walked and walked trying to get her to come! Since then we've taken off one day during the week of her birthday and gone to the fair every year.

This year was even better...somebody blessed us with discounted tickets and we didn't have to pay parking! It was a huge savings and blessed my socks off!

On top of the regular stuff at the fair, the World Championship Horse Show was going on which normally costs extra to attend. The day we went up they had free performances so we sat in for a few of those. Not quite the horse shows of our taste...these are the fancy, high-stepping saddlebreds...but still entertaining since we love horses. Riley really enjoyed it, especially the ones pulling the carts.

Our favorite part of the fair is seeing all the livestock. We walk almost every aisle...we saw cows, pigs, sheep, and goats and Riley wanted to pet them all!

We've seen this pose before...Josie's favorite!

We had lunch outside by the know the delicious, "healthy" fair kind of dogs and pork burgers...yum!

The State Police have a Safety Town where toddlers can learn safety rules on trikes. Riley really enjoyed this and even got her own driver's license! Watch out world!

Phil and Riley tried to convince me that we needed one of these with Riley sticking her lip out saying, "Please can we have one?" Of course with Daddy's prompting. We already have Old MacDonald's farm so no donkeys for least not right now!

Now one of these, I wouldn't mind...

Anyway, we had a blast and look forward to it again next year!

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