Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Productive Saturday

We have a three-day weekend and it started out with a good Saturday. We slept in till 8...yes that's sleeping in for us. After breakfast we all three just sat on the couch and watched cartoons. We actually found an oldie-but-a-goodie Tom and Jerry on and Riley seemed to like it too. Riley played in her playroom for a bit while I made hairbows on her Mickey table in the floor. I had some requests for a couple of bows by friends so I'm hoping to get those done this weekend. I'll try to post the finished products later in the weekend.

While Riley took her nap, I got very productive and made her this tutu. I'm also making a matching Minnie Mouse hairbow so once that's complete I'll get her in the whole outfit. Here's a sneak peek for now...

I felt pretty productive today making the hairbows and the tutu. I even made chicken and dumplings for supper and taco soup for a missions banquet we're having at church tomorrow. I have to admit I'm pretty wore out now but it was nice to get so much accomplished.

Daddy's out hunting right now so Riley and I are just having a girls' night. I love times like these!

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