Friday, October 30, 2009

Fun at Harvestfest

Well Halloween is tomorrow of course. We've never been too big on the holiday...too many witches, devils, and scarey things. Our church offers an alternative called Harvestfest so we took Riley for the first time this year.

We started off on a hayride around the church. Riley really enjoyed this. We then headed in to the bouncy house before all the big kids flooded it. Riley had a blast! She has a small one at home but she acted as if she'd never been in one before.

After some prodding and drying of tears, we finally got her out of the bouncy house and on to a few other games. With each game she earned points on a card that could later be used at the "store" to buy prizes. Daddy and Riley had fun and did a good job playing the different games.
It was a night of good, non-scarey fun!

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