Thursday, September 24, 2009

Tent making and shopping for treasures

When we got home today Riley ran to the closet where I keep sheets and said, "Mommy, make a tent please." So that's what we did. We turned off the lights and crawled in to watch a Mickey Mouse episode. Mommy did more snoozing than watching!

I have to brag on the treasures I found at a local kids consignment sale last night. It's a huge event in our area and I was lucky enough to get to go to the new mommy presale before it's open to the public. I waited in line for 20 minutes or so before the doors opened. Then it was like a mad dash for all the big stuff...strollers, playpens, and such. We've talked about getting a two-seater stroller but by the time I got there the few good ones they had were gone. Oh well, don't know if we really need one anyway since Riley may prefer walking by the time the baby comes anyway.
I did get a lot of good bargains on clothes and shoes for Riley. I spent $90 and got 5 pairs of shoes ranging from size 6-71/2, 4 dresses-1 of them with a matching jacket, 2 sweaters, 2 shirts, 2 jackets, and an adorable skirt with matching beret. Plus I splurged and got me a $3.50 pair of maternity pants. I felt like I got some great deals! They have another sale in February so I'm hoping to shop for the baby then since I should know the gender by then. Can't wait to find out!

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