This is Riley watching her first Monday Night Football game tonight. As you can see, she LOVES football and any other sport for that matter. She kept yelling, "Go, go, run, touchdown! They fall down!" Occasionally she'd throw in a "Go Cats" even though we were watching the Colts and Dolphins. (We've already got her trained to have blue blood...go Cats!) She was at least cheering while the Colts were scoring a touchdown in honor of her Uncle Craig!
Once we finally got her down off her football high we got ready for bed. Nighttime prayers have gone from us praying, to us praying and her repeating, to her praying by herself now. "Jesus, touch Mommy and Mamaw ______ and Uncle Jake and Mamaw ______ and the baby. Amen" Some nights she makes it through all of my family and Phil's, which takes a while but others she just gets to a few. Maybe those are the ones who really need the prayers!
We have been so blessed with such a wonderful child. I know everyone probably says that about their children but I can't help repeating it. Phil even made the comment, "Boy, God's got His work cut out for Him topping Riley." Of course we know God is going to bless us with another child just as wonderful as Riley in his/her own ways. For the time being, while Riley is the center of our attention we are soaking up everything about her. Mommy and Daddy love you so much Riley!
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