Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! The girls and I had a good day at home making fun Valentine stuff, decorating, and cooking for our Valentine dinner. I really wanted to start some traditions for this holiday, especially teaching our girls to focus on the love God shows for us and how we are to show that love for each other...

We made "Jesus Loves Me" crowns...

Cards for Daddy and grandparents...

Then we decorated and set a "fancy" table for dinner.

We made heart-shaped biscuits...and Riley made a mess!

Isn't this sweetheart precious?
Riley loved drinking out of the "fancy" glasses.
After dinner, we read what love truly is...from I Corinthians 13.
We did the get the girls a few gifts, nothing major.

I am so thankful for the love that I have from God, my wonderful husband, and beautiful girls. I feel so blessed...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You are instilling the right values in the girls. It looks like you all had a wonderful day.