WOW, what a winter we are having! I can't remember the last time we have had so many snow events! We got more snow this past week and so Daddy got to be home with us two more days this week. We enjoy our days at home together just hanging out. We did get to spend some great time with our families too though eating with Phil's family one day and then mine the next. We are SO blessed to have such wonderful families on both sides that we LOVE hanging out with.Thursday night we decided to "camp out" in the living room and watch a classic-"The Apple Dumpling Gang." We pulled Riley's mattress in the living room and made a canopy over it. She loved it! 
Riley really liked jumping on her mattress but we kept telling her that wasn't a good idea. She learned the hard way why children should obey their parents...
She was jumping and fell head first into a chair holding up the canopy. She cried a bit so I wasn't too concerned. Daddy went to her aid while I put Josie in her crib. I heard, "Oh, oh Riley..." I knew it wasn't good...I have to say I flipped out a bit when I saw the giant bruised goose-egg that was protruding from her forehead! I tried to keep my composure for her but I was so worried she'd done something serious. Believe me, I've had my share of bumps, bruises, lacerations, etc. but NEVER have I seen such a pop-knot come up immediately! I was ready to take her to the ER! Luckily we know a pretty good doctor (ha, ha) so we gave him a call. He said as long as she was alert and not stumbling around she was probably fine. He advised us to keep her up an extra 30 minutes or so just to make sure. Of course she was fine but Mommy had to let her sleep in bed with us just in case!
It looked 100 times better the next morning. Her head must have a magnet in it because today she was playing air hockey with Daddy and the puck flew off the table hitting her square in the exact spot and added to the bruise! Poor thing!
On a brighter note, I can't tell you how much I am enjoying being home with my girls! They are both growing and changing so much everyday. Josie is getting to the age where they actually play together and Riley is so good with her. It seems that everyday Josie does something new. She's pulling up and taking steps with our help, claps and bounces when music comes on, and has had four more teeth pop through in the last few weeks! The cutest thing is when we tell her before a meal, "Josie, let's pray," she folds her hands as if to pray. My girls are such a blessing to me and I LOVE BEING A MOMMY!
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