We had a wonderful Christmas and hope that you did as well. Of course like most people we had multiple places to go. We enjoyed every minute with our families and loved watching the girls enjoy their first Christmas together.
We started at my parents' house on Christmas Eve...FANTASTIC food, wonderful company, and plenty of thoughtful gifts.
This next picture goes against everything I swore my little girl would never do...wear pink, wear lace, and play with princess stuff! Oh how the tables turn when those little ones get here!
Daddy always has one gift specifically from him. This year he decided to do a fish tank since Riley and Josie LOVE going to look at the fish everytime we go to Wal-mart. Good idea Daddy and the girls loved it! Plus his investment has already had a return...one of the guppies had 20+ babies today!!!! Some mommy!
We were so excited to see how Josie reacted to her first Christmas. She was so much fun! Of course she wanted the paper more than the presents! She did seem to enjoy many of the toys she got though and got a kick out of her Tickle Me Elmo and baby doll that plays peek-a-boo.

Riley LOVES dresses (once again, never thought I'd have a little girl who LOVED dresses!) so as soon as she opened this purple dress she had to strip down and put it on! 

My precious Mamaw...
But of course some people couldn't resist letting the girls open a few presents!
Uncle Russ' gift was a hit too. Students from his school took old desks and painted them with different themes. He picked out this princess desk for her and she fell in love with it!

Daddy loves his girls...enough to even paint their fingernails! (He's going to get me for posting this one!)
We didn't just have to dream of a white Christmas this year!
After breakfast at home we headed to my mamaw's house...
Here the girls are with their Aunt Traci.
Later that day we went to Phil's parents'. We actually won't do our full Christmas celebration until New Years Eve when his youngest brother Dr. Dan can be here. For now we enjoyed some food and fellowship.
Riley loves to listen and dance to her Grandpa's guitar playing so she was thrilled when he got her one of her own.
After a long day, we finally made it home and did a few more Advent activities including our Advent wreath.
And for good measure I had to snap a few pictures of us in our "Christmas outfits." This is one of the few times I can get Phil to dress in matching clothes.
By the way, trying to get two kiddos to smile and look at the camera at the same time is near impossible!
1 comment:
The joy of Christmas is all about the little child that was born for our salvation.... but also about the little grandbabies too!!!!
Love, Mom and Dad
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