Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Broken Baby Jesus and Girls' Day Out

We've had a good week of festive Christmas fun including making our Christmas cookies, delivering them to some family members that don't get to get out, as well as painting a nativity scene that my mom found for us. It was a ceramic set of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Riley has asked almost everyday since Mom got it a few weeks ago if we could paint it yet. We finally started on it this week. We started with Baby Jesus. Since the first time we introduced Riley to the nativity story and scenes a few years ago she has been obsessed with carrying Baby Jesus around. I have no problem with that...I'm not going to tell her, "No you can't take Jesus with you!" Until she understands completely that He's always with us, the visual of Baby Jesus can only help.

Anyways...every nativity we've had in the past has been breakable so I found a wonderful Fisher Price Little People set this year. Yet instead of carrying that Baby Jesus, she wanted to carry THIS Baby Jesus...

Needless to say, Baby Jesus has already been dropped, broken, then glued back together. (Thanks Uncle Russ!)
We also painted Mary and started on Joseph but I didn't have any great pictures of that. Sorry!

Today, we had a girls'day out shopping for fun baby stuff for my sister! We found the greatest consignmnent shop where she got a lot of cheap, nice maternity clothes and I got some clothes for the girls. Mom also found some cheap dress-up clothes for a certain little girl obsessed with pretty dresses and being a princess. Funny how things changed...I always swore, "My daughter will never wear pink or frills!" Look at her, she looks TOO grown up!

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