Tuesday, November 16, 2010

We are thankful for...

With Thanksgiving approaching SO quickly (I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ALREADY THAT TIME OF YEAR!), I want to make sure Riley truly understands what Thanksgiving is. I love Christmas but I hate how Thanksgiving just seems to get passed over when it's such an important holiday. So today we had a talk about Thanksgiving and created a Thankful Turkey. Each day we will write one thing Riley is thankful for on a feather and add it to her turkey...

She was so excited she wanted to do two things so of course that was fine with me!

Daddy and I are doing a Thankful Jar every night at supper, (an idea I got from my friend
Miranda:) will share about this more later...

1 comment:

Debbie said...

So blessed to see that you are bringing your girls up right!!! We are thankful for you all each and every day!! Love, Mom and Dad