Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Storytime, raising little piggies, and boo-boo's

We went to our first story time at the library last week. We got there early so Riley could turn in her books and check out some more. She was way too excited for story time to check out books! She told me, "Mommy, I don't want to check out books. I just want the story." She did do some puzzles while we waited but I finally had to show her on the clock when we could go in for story time.

Story time was a great time for her. We'd been to story time at a local bookstore but it was nothing too grand...this was way better! The kids got to sit on stairs facing the "teacher," Ms. Marsha, and she sang four or five cute, interactive songs with a couple of puppets helping her. Riley LOVES music so this was right up her alley! Ms. Marsha informed us that this month they'd be reading books on the different types of transportation and today was airplanes. She showed pictures of planes from several books and read some short stories as well. It was very age appropriate and didn't last too long since the attention of two and three year olds doesn't last too long either!

We then did a simple craft using paper strips to make an airplane. Riley enjoyed making zooming sounds and flying her plane. It was a great outing for her and we'll definitely go back this week.

Can you guess what our Bible lesson is about this week?

That's right, Noah's ark. This was a kit I found at Big Lots for cheap that came with the pipe cleaners and instructions for pigs, deer, lions, and elephants. As you can see I've only got the pigs and deer finished. (If that's what you call them! Pretty pitiful looking!) Riley informed me that we shoot deer...her daddy will be so proud!

This picture was ironic for me...somewhere at my parent's house is a similar picture of me as a child but with a real baby piglet, blanket, bottle and all! Yes, I should have been named Ellie Mae Clampett...

Now what do you think the girls are doing in this picture?
That's right, riding a horse named Mommy to town!

Last but not least, what would the life of a toddler be without a boo-boo or two? Apparently she was walking on some blocks around a flowerbed with one of her heroes (AKA-uncles), slipped and fell and skinned it. This one is probably the worst she's ever gotten but according to sources who were present when it happened she handled it pretty well with no tears. She's a tough girl so it's probably true...or they are just afraid to tell me the truth!

1 comment:

miranda said...

Yikes, that boo-boo makes my leg burn! Glad you are having so much fun at home with your girls. At first I thought we were gonna have to make a field-trip down to the mini-farm. Thought you were going to announce that ya'll added pigs to the place! :) Turns out their just pipe cleaners.
We are going to the fair next week and the kids can hardly wait!