Sunday, August 8, 2010

Growing like a weed...

It always seems like my posts revolve around Riley with a few pictures of Josie sprinkled through either sleeping or smiling. A three year old is definitely a little more active and photogenic than a four month old. Well this past week has been a week of action for Josie! A day before her four month birthday (last Friday) she rolled over! Now that's all she wants to do when you lay her down. She had her four month check-up this past Monday. She was in the 95th percentile for her weight (16 lb., 4 oz.) and 75th for her height and head. The weight doesn't surprise me...Riley was always off the charts for her weight as most "nursed" babies are but Riley was always below average for her height. Maybe Josie's gonna grow into a tall basketball forward someday!

I told the doctor at her appointment that I think she's teething. She drools and chews on everything, which I know doesn't always mean they are teething but I thought I could feel teeth under the skin. She assured me that most babies don't get teeth until 6 months, which is when Riley did but sure enough, two days later her first tooth popped through. Then a few days later, a second tooth! Four months old with two teeth! My little baby is growing too fast for my likings!

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